What is a Certificate of Good Standing and Why You Need One

Certificate of Good Standing

We understand the importance of maintaining good standing with state regulatory agencies. A Certificate of Good Standing is a vital document that attests to your business’s compliance with state laws and regulations, and it is often required for certain business transactions.

certificate of good standing

In this article, we will explain what a Certificate of Good Standing is, why you need one, and how to obtain it. We will also provide helpful tips to ensure that you maintain good standing with state regulatory agencies.

What is a Certificate of Good Standing?

A Certificate of Good Standing, also known as a Certificate of Existence or Certificate of Authorization, is a document issued by a state government agency that attests to the fact that your business is in compliance with state laws and regulations. It is often required for certain business transactions, such as obtaining financing or applying for a business license.

Why do you need a Certificate of Good Standing?

A Certificate of Good Standing is an essential document for any business operating in the United States. It is a testament to your business’s compliance with state laws and regulations and is often required for various business transactions. For example, if you plan to expand your business and obtain financing from a bank, you will likely need to provide a Certificate of Good Standing to demonstrate your business’s compliance.

How to obtain a Certificate of Good Standing?

Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing is a straightforward process. Typically, you will need to contact the state agency that regulates your business entity and request the certificate. The process may vary by state, but in most cases, you can obtain the certificate online, by mail, or in person.

Tips for maintaining good standing with state regulatory agencies

Maintaining good standing with state regulatory agencies is essential for any business. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that you stay in compliance with state laws and regulations:

  1. Keep accurate records – Keeping accurate records is essential for ensuring that your business is in compliance with state laws and regulations. It is important to keep track of all business transactions, such as income and expenses, and maintain up-to-date financial statements.

  2. File your annual reports on time – Most states require businesses to file annual reports to maintain good standing. Failing to file these reports on time can result in penalties or even the revocation of your business license.

  3. Pay your taxes on time – Paying your taxes on time is crucial for maintaining good standing with state regulatory agencies. Make sure that you are aware of all tax requirements for your business entity and file your tax returns on time.

  4. Respond to state inquiries promptly – If a state regulatory agency contacts you with a request for information, respond promptly. Failure to do so can result in penalties or even the revocation of your business license.


A Certificate of Good Standing is an essential document that attests to your business’s compliance with state laws and regulations. It is often required for various business transactions, such as obtaining financing or applying for a business license. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that you maintain good standing with state regulatory agencies and avoid any penalties or license revocations.

Certificate of good standing

Get a Certificate of Good Standing for your business

A Certificate of Good Standing (also called a Certificate of Status, a Certificate of Existence, or a Certificate of Fact) provides evidence that your company has submitted all required reports and paid all required fees to the state. We can help you obtain a Certificate of Good Standing in all 50 states.

certificate of good standing

Why You Need A Certificate Of Good Standing

Why You Need A Certificate Of Good Standing?

A certificate of good standing is absolutely necessary once you have a company in order to show that your business is actually registered and that it is authorized to do business within your home state. It also signals that your business is following all of the requirements of the state. This certificate is also known as a certificate of authorization, status certificate, certificate of existence etc. This document is actually issued by the state and you should be able to provide it once you are asked for it.

The necessity of a certificate of good standing is dependent on the state that you’re in as well as the type of business you have. This certificate isn’t required if you have a sole proprietorship. However, if you have a limited liability company or corporation, then you will absolutely need to get this certificate. If you have a partnership, limited liability partnership or limited partnership then the necessity of this certificate will be dependent on the specific state that your business is in. Now, even if you are in a state that doesn’t require it for your business type, once you are conducting business with another entity that needs to have this certificate, then you will be required to have one as well.

Certificate of good standing

Get a Certificate of Good Standing for your business

A Certificate of Good Standing (also called a Certificate of Status, a Certificate of Existence, or a Certificate of Fact) provides evidence that your company has submitted all required reports and paid all required fees to the state. We can help you obtain a Certificate of Good Standing in all 50 states.

certificate of good standing

What Does It Mean Having A Certificate Of Good Standing?

This certificate shows that your business has filed the necessary reports as well as paid all the necessary fees as determined by the Secretary of State’s office. This shows that your company actually exists and can legally do business in that state.

Is It Possible To Lose Good Standing?

If there is a failure to maintain good standing, then this is something that you will need to quickly address. There are many ways that your company can lose good standing and these include not paying franchise taxes or not paying them on time, not filing annual reports in a timely manner, not maintaining an office that is registered or a registered agent

So, if your business is not in compliance, this will result in the change of its status in the state. Now, the seriousness of these consequences would be dependent on the state your business is in since some states are more lenient than others. There are certain states that provide a lot more time than others for corrections before they place an adverse status on your business.

If your company loses good standing, then you’ll need to deal with various fines and penalties. It is even possible for your company to lose individual limited liability protection and the entity itself may be dissolved. So, as you can see, it is critical that you ensure your business is always in good standing and you should check its status at least once per month.


In summary, we have just covered why you need a certificate of good standing for your business and the consequences of not remaining in good standing. So, once you are in the process of setting up your business or already have one, make sure that you obtain this certificate as soon as possible.

Why is a Certificate of Good Standing Essential for Business

Why is a Certificate of Good Standing Essential for Business

A certificate of good standing goes by various other names, such as certificate of existence and certificate of authority. It is a document that shows that your business is authorized to transact business in its state. This is an important document if you want to open a new bank account, enter into a contract, or sell your business. A certificate of good standing is typically issued by the secretary of state and indicates that all required filings have been made and that all taxes have been paid. Most states require businesses to renew their certificates periodically, so it’s important to keep up with the filings and payment requirements in your state. If you’re selling your business, potential buyers will often request a copy of your certificate of good standing as part of their due diligence. A clean record shows that you’ve been complying with the state’s requirements and that the business is in good standing. This can give buyers confidence that they’re getting what they expect when they purchase your business.

How to get a certificate of good standing for your business?

If you’re looking to obtain a certificate of good standing for your business, there are a few things you’ll need to do.

● First, check with your state’s Secretary of State office to see if they offer this type of certification. If so, you’ll likely need to fill out a request form and submit it, along with the required fee.
● The office will then research your business records and issue a certificate if everything is in order. This usually takes time and you need to be patient with the process.
● If your state doesn’t offer this service, you can contact your local chamber of commerce or business association. They may be able to provide you with a certificate of good standing for your business. Alternatively, you can also contact an attorney or accountant who can help you obtain the necessary documentation.

Certificate of good standing

Get a Certificate of Good Standing for your business

A Certificate of Good Standing (also called a Certificate of Status, a Certificate of Existence, or a Certificate of Fact) provides evidence that your company has submitted all required reports and paid all required fees to the state. We can help you obtain a Certificate of Good Standing in all 50 states.

certificate of good standing

Validity of a certificate of good standing

The certificate is typically valid for one year from the date of issue. If you need to renew your certificate, you can usually do so online or by contacting your state’s business division. In most cases, you will need to provide your business name, registration number, and date of incorporation. Once your renewal is processed, you will be issued a new certificate of good standing. Depending on your state, there may be a fee for renewing your certificate. However, this fee is typically nominal and is well worth the peace of mind that comes with knowing your business is in good standing.

Your company’s certificate of good standing verifies that your business is in good legal standing with the state it is registered in. It also shows that the company has not been subject to any legal action or proceedings recently. You can use the certificate of good standing if you want to apply for bank loans, credit, or when trying to do business in other states. Obtaining a certificate of good standing can be easy or difficult depending on the state you are registered in.

What is a Certificate of Formation

What is a Certificate of Formation?

A Certificate of Formation is a legal document that indicates the formation of a limited liability company (LLC). This document includes essential information about the company, such as its name, address, registered agent, and the names of its members or managers.

Why is a Certificate of Formation important?

A Certificate of Formation is crucial because it establishes the legal existence of an LLC. This document is necessary to obtain a business bank account, apply for business licenses, and file tax returns. Additionally, having a Certificate of Formation can protect the personal assets of the LLC’s members in case of legal disputes or bankruptcy.

The process of obtaining a Certificate of Formation varies depending on the state where you are forming your LLC. In general, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a name for your LLC: Your LLC’s name should be unique, easy to remember, and not too similar to other businesses in your industry. You can check the availability of your desired name on the state’s Secretary of State website.
  2. Select a registered agent: A registered agent is a person or company authorized to receive legal documents on behalf of your LLC. You can choose to be your own registered agent or hire a professional service.
  3. File Articles of Organization: This document is filed with the state’s Secretary of State and contains information about your LLC, such as its name, registered agent, and business purpose.
  4. Obtain a business license: Depending on your state and industry, you may need to obtain a business license to operate legally.
  5. Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN): An EIN is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify your LLC for tax purposes.


Why A Certificate of Good Standing Is Important

Why A Certificate of Good Standing Is Important

Starting a business requires a lot of paperwork and document filing in your home state. If you registered your business, one of these documents that you might need down the road is the certificate of good standing. Here is an explanation of why this document is important to your business operations.

A Certificate of Good Standing Explained

A certificate of good standing is issued by the state where your business is formed. This is usually not required if your business is a sole proprietorship because you normally do not have to register your sole proprietorship with your state. However, if your company is a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company (LLC), this document is an important one. This document is proof that your company is in compliance with all regulations imposed by your state and that it is legally authorized to conduct business. Compliance means all of the required fees have been paid to the state and all of the required documents have been filed. It is verification to others that your business is legitimate.

Certificate of good standing

Get a Certificate of Good Standing for your business

A Certificate of Good Standing (also called a Certificate of Status, a Certificate of Existence, or a Certificate of Fact) provides evidence that your company has submitted all required reports and paid all required fees to the state. We can help you obtain a Certificate of Good Standing in all 50 states.

certificate of good standing

When Do You Need This?

When your business involves other entities, sometimes the other entity will request this. Here are some examples of when you may need to present this document:

– A financial institution often asks you to provide a copy of your certificate of good standing when you are applying for a line of credit or securing a loan for your business.

– If you are looking for investors, they might ask for this in order to validate the legitimacy of your business.

– You may need this when you are selling your business.

– If you plan to expand your business to another state, you may need to provide this to the other state’s business registration office.

– Your business insurance company may request it before they insure you.

– If you are bidding on a government contract, you may be asked to provide it.

How Do You Get the Certificate of Good Standing?

To get this, you would contact the state agency where you had registered your business. The process of obtaining one varies from state to state. Some states charge a fee for the certificate. Each state has specific procedures and forms that you must complete and submit to get the certificate. Turnaround time can also vary. Always check with the agency of your home state to get details on how you can apply for one.

A certificate of good standing has an expiration date, so it must be renewed after it expires. This is a way for the state to make sure that the company remains in compliance by paying fees and taxes on time and filing all required forms annually.

Use A Compliance Specialist

It is a good idea to always have a current copy of the certificate of good standing on hand so you are ready to provide it when it is required during your course of business. Since it does take time and effort to stay in compliance and to renew the certificate, using an outside service that specializes in business compliance to help you order this document can free up your time to focus on your business operations instead. The service can support you in staying compliant and staying current on your certificate of good standing.